Sandals Resorts International and the EDGE FM recently joined forces to recognise and applaud fathers who have, through different circumstances, played individual parenting role to their child(ren). One such father is Trevor Hewitt, a phenomenal dad who recently copped the winning prize of an all-inclusive luxury weekend for 4 at a local Beaches Resort for the Sandals Resorts International and Edge FM Soulful Dad Competition.
In a study done by PIOJ and STATIN in 2014, it was revealed that more than a third of our nation’s children have no father figure in their life and over 90% of households are headed by the birth mother or grandmother. The negative impact of this reality has seen to adverse effects on the formative years of some children that often leads to further damage in adulthood. Fortunately, not all children fall within this margin and have fathers who are present and vested in the well-being of their family.
The ‘soulful dad’ is one that goes beyond just providing in a tangible way for his children and extends to being present and involved in all aspects of their life. He plays an active role in the life of his child, giving support in his/her social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual development.

Hewitt, a father of 4, was nominated through a submission of his story by his youngest daughter Techni-Ann Hewitt-Stanton. In an excerpt from Techni-Ann’s entry, she shared, “I consider him remarkable because he took on the role of mother and father when my mom was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis for over 16 years and was bedridden. He had to bathe and feed her daily as she was in a vegetative state and he did so through to 2012 when she passed away. He had to learn how to wash, cook, clean and comb the girls’ hair in order to take care of us by himself. Although he had that responsibility he still found the time to be active in our education. He volunteered in our community, he was the chairman of all the schools I attended from basic to high school and he was never absent from any of his children PTA meetings. For all these things and so much more, we are grateful.”
As the fifth child of a family of 12, Hewitt grew up in Royal Flat Manchester and fondly recalls his family’s stable and loving home environment enjoyed by him and his siblings. It’s the same examples and principles he was taught that he ensured would be present for his own family and the adoration with which his children speak of him is a true testament to that.
When asked what was behind the driving force to remain steadfast in his role and make the sacrifices he did for his family, the 76-year-old revealed that, “Being a dad has never felt like I was sacrificing anything. It just felt like a natural duty for me to do my best at each day and my efforts brought joy and happiness to my children. When my wife got sick, I made sure that my children still felt my presence and love, while taking care of her just the same. I’m content to say I did all I could and am now reaping the rewards as I am not in want of anything and my children and I have a close bond.”
Public Relations Manager at SRI, Jennese Palmer who was present to hand Hewitt, his complimentary stay letter, shared that, “Even though we received many entries for the competition, Mr. Hewitt stood out as a soulful dad who managed to raise his children on his own and managed to do a phenomenal job. The Sandals brand is committed to continually recognizing the efforts of fathers who continue to do well across the Caribbean and look forward to other opportunities to make greater impact for men in our communities.”
In response to the competition and its success, Programmes Manager Ronald Sutherland at the Edge FM said, “There could not have been a better time for Sandals to recognize and reward a father who almost single-handedly raised and took care of his children. The overwhelming audience responses on the EDGE FM during some discussions of fatherhood revealed that much of the ills in the society is blamed on dysfunctional homes and more so homes with ‘absent’ fathers. It was therefore a welcomed collaboration between Sandals and the EDGE FM to recognise and celebrate responsible fathers and we hope it will serve to motivate other fathers to be present for their children”.
Hewitt is most looking forward to taking some time for himself to exhale and relax with his loved ones around him. He says, “I’m truly grateful for my daughter’s entry and I’m grateful to Sandals and EDGE FM for honouring her request. It’s a blessing for us and we are grateful.”
Thank you once again for celebrating my father Trevor Hewitt. He enjoyed his stay and the memories will be cherished for a lifetime.