Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Honest, youthful perspectives on Jamaican culture, society, and lifestyle.

Problems left unattended, have a habit of becoming a crisis  - Unknown   Hi everyone, welcome to another bumboclaat blog post. My campaign is about anxiety and depression in the workplace among high school teachers. The overall outcome of the campaign has...

Many a time we witness how men bottle- up their emotions and allow them to manifest unfavourably. To their detriment and others, their frustration is displayed through....

The other day, I had an encounter with discrimination due to one person’s lack of respect and tolerance for my beliefs. I was taken aback by the harsh words of “take that thing off your head” and...

  Emotionally unstable, hormonal, aggressive and ‘bitchy’ are just a few of the bumboclaat words that are sometimes hurled at women in leadership roles. In a 21st century world, there is still the stigma that women should be...

Aummm...in this era of the black hair revolution and empowerment why do most Jamaican high schools still have bumboclaat rules in their student handbook barring black girls from wearing sister locs, bantu knots, twists outs, afros and other forms...

Bag juice, gizzadas, rosemary, and ginseng. Just a few of the things that have always been the bread and butter for poor people. Many parents have sent their children to school and made better lives for themselves and their...

Not only did he break up with Lil’ when she was 6-months pregnant but he made no effort to see his child after she was born. Like many other men in Jamaica, Alex made an active decision, to abandon his child...

Seeking therapy for mental issues is normal and healthy. But……. only for females. If a man should seek support because of issues relating to mental health, he is considered weak or feminine. Because of social stigma, if men portray...

The Jamaican Culture comprises so many aspects namely our food, music, language, dance, fashion, and the list continues. Other aspects linger behind the backdrop of this diverse yet unique culture and these include homosexuality and Obeah. Nevertheless, LGBT activists...

Dear Men, Recently, there have been several campaigns arising (again) in Jamaican society focused on trying to stop the violence against women, sparked by the tragic passing of Khanice Jackson. It's heart-wrenching how unprotected our women are against violent crimes...