Sustainable Climate Results Anaitee Mills (right), Project Manager, Climate Change Division of the InterAmerican Development Bank listens keenly as Claire Bernard, Deputy Director General, Sustainable Development and Social Planning at the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) shares about the results of the five projects being implemented under the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) in Jamaica. Both ladies were at a workshop on project results held at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston last week. The PIOJ is the focal point for the PPCR. About US$37.5 million has been spent for the implementation of the five projects designed to mainstream climate change into Jamaica’s policies and programmes while also building the islands capacity to respond to impacts such as flash flooding, drought and stronger hurricanes. It is time for more adaptation action!
Dr Michael Taylor (third left) makes a strong point to workshop facilitator, Menno Valkenburg during the introductory exercise of the Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR) Stakeholder Consultations Results workshop held at the Terra Nova hotel on January 22-24, 2019. The workshop brought together all five projects being implemented under the SPCR to share the impact of their work in island. Looking on are participants from the Adaptation Programme and Financing Mechanism, the Improving Climate Data and Information Management Project, the JN Water Project, the Investment Plan for the Caribbean and the Promoting Community based resilience in the Fisheries Sector.