We know it sounds simple and maybe you’re rolling your eyes right now because you’re reflecting on the number of emails you’ve sent with your resume to television, radio, print media houses in Jamaica that were never honored with replies. And you’re thinking about years and years of experience that you don’t have, that is required to even be considered for the interview.
But you’re forgetting that submitting the resume is just the first step.
Have you tried APPLY-ING?
A- Asking the HR manager if your email was received.
We run a quarterly media internship program primarily for Caribbean nationals and it amazes us every time we receive more follow-up emails and queries from eager candidates living abroad who are proposing that we consider their applications as well.
If you really want to be noticed, you have to do what others are afraid to do.
P – Positioning yourself online to get that job!
One of our previous media interns was a high school student at the time when she completed the program, Kaylia Ellington and you would think she was a seasoned journalist based on how well she displayed her media and communication skills online. Read her feature on Jamaican Journalist living in the UK.

P- Portfolio
We hear this a lot from our media interns, “I want to host a TV show”
“I want to read the news”
“I want to be in the next TV/radio/print ad by X company.”
If you really want the job, do the work! It’s so easy to create a portfolio from the digital assets that you own. If you want to be a television host, start hosting your own show – on your YouTube Channel – On Facebook Live – On Instagram Live
Save the episodes and share links to your work when you’re applying for that broadcaster job.
Seek out and complete internships (paid and unpaid) for the purpose of building the “years and years of experience” that almost every job ad asks for.
You don’t need to be a university graduate to land an internship. We always marvel at how easy it is for our graduates to land jobs in media after curating a portfolio of their most recent works done during the internship program. You don’t have the degree as yet but you have the experience and for many HR managers that’s impressive!
- Yes
Say, “yes” more!
This is a follow-up to the previous point. Sometimes we are being blessed with career-building opportunities through voluntary work on campus, youth service programs at church or in our community and we overlook how valuable they are for landing that media job. Take them! Only you know how badly you want to land that media job and being in university, being broke, being unemployed, having no media-related job experience are only limitations that you have decided to set for yourself. Say yes and claim what is rightfully yours….oh and A.P.P.L.Y!
Our Spring 2022 internship programs are open to Caribbean nationals, 18 years and older with a zeal to land a job in media, digital marketing and communication. Apply here!