The Honourable Olivia Grange, Minister of Culture, Gender,
Entertainment and Sport, has said that events such as Gosplash “reinforce the
contribution of the cultural and creative sectors to the economy.”
According to the Minister several stakeholders, including owners and operators, suppliers
of goods and services, hoteliers, taxi operators, the peanut man, jerk chicken man among
others derive economic and social benefits from the hosting of events such as Gosplash
which will be held on August 1.
Minister Grange was speaking at the launch function on July 11 at the Liguanea Golf
Club in New Kingston.
Citing a report by the Jamaica Constabulary Force the Minister said that “19,158 event
permits were granted in 2017, a one percent increase over the 2016 figures. These
events provided more than 30,000 temporary jobs.”
Between 2013 and 2017 the value of entertainment to the economy was estimated to be
J$107 billion/ [US$836 million].”

conversation with Markland Edwards, CEO Action Entertainment (third left). Also
photographed are: Rosalee Gage-Grey, CEO, Child Protection and Family Services
Agency; Kerine Hamilton, CEO, Auto Channel and Alfred McDonald, Senior Director,
Commercial Development and Planning, Norman Manley International Airport (left to
right). The occasion was the launch of Auto Channel Gospalsh 2018 at the Liguanea Golf
Club in New Kingston.
The Minister said that such figure was “an undervaluation” since not all the entertainment
sub-sectors were accounted for.
She said the staging of the Auto Channel Gosplash in Kingston is a welcome addition to
the calendar of events for the UNESCO designated Creative City of Music.
Gosplash, now in its sixth year, has changed venue location from Portmore in St.
Catherine to the Liguanea Golf Club in New Kingston.
Minister Grange commended the organisers of Gosplash and praised the sponsors for
seeing the value in it.
“It is resilience and creativity that have brought the event this far and so we are resolved
that my Ministry will continue to work towards the creation of a facilitating and supportive
environment where everyone has a place and an opportunity to be a part of the solution.
All genres of Jamaican music will thrive,” Minister Grange said.