Volunteers from Sandals South Coast along with members of the Jamaica Defence Force, Cadets from Black River High School and members of the Kiwanis Club of Whitehouse Classic came together during a cleanup at the Whitehouse Fishing Beach in Westmoreland on International Coastal Cleanup Day (Saturday, September 17th). During the cleanup the team retrieved some 667 pounds of garbage from the shoreline. Chief among the items retrieved were plastic beverage bottles totaling over 1,500 followed by plastic cups and plates, glass beverage bottles, and beverage cans. This activity was one of several sponsored by the Sandals Foundation, as they stay true to their promise to raise environmental awareness and encourage environmental stewardship within our Caribbean communities.
The team pauses for a quick photo with the over 40 bags of garbage which they collected on International Coastal Cleanup Day.
Sandals South Coast Club Sandals Manager, Tracey Gray (3rd left) and Butler Manager, Donna Daniel (kneeling) are joined by their team members (l-r) Chloe-Ann Davis, Jhanelle James, Jobian Foster and Laura Smith for an International Coastal Cleanup activity at the Whitehouse Fishing Beach over the weekend. Here the team paused from their efforts to show us some of what they collected.
Black River High School Cadets (2nd left) Orlando Mahabeer, Javane Clarke, Rodalia Samuels and Shaquiel Bailey bring in bags of garbage to be weighed by Whitehouse Marine Sanctuary Manager, Diego Salmon (right). Working along with the students and sharing in this photo are Sandals Foundation Volunteer, Chloe-Ann Davis (left) and Jamaica Defence Force Chief Petty Officer, Gary Hanson (3rd right).
Sandals South Coast Assistant Spa Manager, Kemesha Myles (left) works with Tanesha Dobson and Cecil Hunte, members of the Kiwanis Club of Whitehouse Classic, to retrieve garbage from the shores of the Whitehouse Fishing beach on International Coastal Cleanup Day.