This article was strategically written to intentionally arouse the emotions within YOU, the reader. You WILL be emotional, so, all I asked of you is to not conceal those emotions, please!
DEM nuh Bumboclaat memba WI! The ‘wi’ in this statement of exclamation are the many –(laughing) – well, ‘many’ would be an understatement; what I genuinely meant to say was the MULTITUDINOUS number of employees employed within the Jamaican hospitality sector. Moreover, the ‘dem’ are the governmental entities that would rather protect the economic revenues more than their OWN Jamaican people.
FACTS – In 2018, the Jamaican Tourism Industry accounted, directly and indirectly, for nearly 34% of the country’s GDP. In direct terms, the contribution of this sector to the gross domestic product of this Caribbean country was 10.56% – Statista. In addition to this, the tourism minister said based on preliminary figures, tourism contributed US$450 MILLION or 22% of the revenue flowing into the GDP, adding that the overall US$3.3-BILLION visitor expenditure accounted for approximately 50% of Jamaica’s foreign exchange inflows for 2018 – JIS.

Now, you might become exhausted when reading these numbers, right? But this was just to demonstrate the significant level of contribution that my fellow hospitality workers bring to the Jamaican economy. It is obvious that hospitality workers are exceedingly essential to Jamaica, wouldn’t you agree? So, my question is – Why is the bumboclaat Jamaican government treating US like we are doormats…eeh? Why is the bumboclaat Jamaican government treating US like we are not fundamental contributors to this amazing Caribbean country…eeh? Why is the bumboclaat Jamaican government treating US like we are a group of INFERIORITIES…eeh? These are my questions and I need answers NOW, Jamaica!
You might be asking yourself – how exactly is the Jamaican government treating us, hospitality workers? I am pleased that you are asking this question. Let me enlighten you on a little bit of hidden and forgettable information.
- As to date, there are no educational media campaigns that are optimized for Covid-19 awareness for employees that are actively working within the Tourism industry.
- Remember the income tax deduction Covid-19 situation where hospitality employers were not contributing towards their employees’ NIS benefit? You forgot about that, right?
- Rediscover Jamaica Campaign? A pathetic tactic to keep their head above water!

I was told to limit this article to just one problem. That was indeed my intention. However, I refuse to let my people become unheard of. I will be the VOICE of my people! Sorry, Ms. Mowatt.
DISCLAIMER! When I was selected to expound in this area, I was extremely contented. However, I am concerned…very bumboclaat concerned! Why? Because my contentedness will be overridden by exasperation; my contentedness will be overridden by my intense ardent for these workers; and, my contentedness will be overridden by the sentimental MONSTER within me that have finally gotten an opportunity to let loose. With this being said – dear reader, please read at your own discretion.
The number of imported Covid-19 cases has been increased significantly since the reopening of the Jamaican borders to international tourists. To be exact, 14 new cases were reported just within 24 hours of the reopening of the borders – OPM. Can you imagine what it is like now?
Since hotels and tourist attractions have been reopened, there has been no form of media campaign for safety measures and critical protocols specific to the country’s tourism sector. Media campaigns SHOULD HAVE been implemented to promote safety awareness for local employees employed within this industry. Now, please don’t get me wrong. There are Covid-19 protocols for the tourism sector which can be found on the TPDCO site. Nevertheless, why are these protocols not being displayed through the bumboclaat media?
Having critical information being imprisoned on a website will certainly spread awareness-(sarcastic face).
Mek Wi Smile & Sanitize Nuh!
SOLUTION – The media campaign would answer the question – How can we (inclusive of the Jamaican government) promote safety awareness for local employees currently employed within the tourism sector without affecting the positive engagement of international tourists?
The truth is, tourists coming to Jamaica now will unconsciously be discriminated against (due to Covid-19) by local employees whose duty is to interact with these people. If you were in the shoes of these workers, wouldn’t you want to stay as far as possible from incoming tourists? But at the same time, you would need to continue earning a living, right?
‘Mandatory’ quarantine is not enough! There is a reason ‘mandatory’ is in a quotation. But that is a whole new story.
Therefore, it is against this background that it should be the principal objective of the media campaign (along with regular seminars about the ‘new normal’ of customer service) to assure the proper demonstration of tourist engagement VS Covid-19. After all, the tourism sector is one of the major components of Jamaica that is keeping the economy afloat as we speak.

No Contribution Towards NIS!!
Let’s get down to the real nitty-gritty, shall we?
Can you do me a favour? Let’s assume that you just said yes. Imagine being employed within a company for more than 6 years thinking that your employer is deducting a percentage of your salary to contribute towards YOUR NIS.
Take a second to imagine that for me, please.
I want you to then imagine being told by the government themselves that deductions from your 6 long and assiduous years of employment cannot be found on their system.
Take another second to imagine that for me, please.
SHAKE MI BUMBOCLAAT HEAD! If you are imagining this right now, then you will understand the emotions that exist amongst my fellow hospitality workers; the anxiety that exists amongst my fellow hospitality workers; and the bewilderment that exists amongst my fellow hospitality workers.
This is the actual story of my fellow hospitality workers!
I know you want to say it as bad as I want to, so let’s say it together…BUMBOCLAAT!
In conformity with the Jamaican Gleaner, nearly 1,000 hospitality employees are currently experiencing this DECEITFUL situation brought to them by their employers.
Furthermore, when The Gleaner contacted the managers of these hospitality companies, numerous attempts deemed futile.
WOW! Are you speechless yet?
Now, you might be thinking that the government intervened – ultimately, that is what the government is for, JUSTICE FOR THE PEOPLE, right? Well, they did intervene! But what exactly did they do to provide justice for my hospitality workers?
That is the million-dollar question!
Shjhaj hasd hdiy hqueio eua afiua rae di. That is exactly what the bumboclaat Government of Jamaica did to provide justice for the countless hospitality employees who were ROBBED of their own hardworking money by their employers. Didn’t read that clearly? Ok, let me repeat…iehdu yuaraeio huioye guywd uiiwouei hsiodue sashab gisd. You read it clearly now?
Yes, that is what they did – Talk! Talk! Talk! Mi granny tell mi seh – Actions speak louder than words. But where is the action from the Jamaican Government?
Also, where did all these ‘NIS DEDUCTIONS’ went? I guess we will never know! (smirk laugh).
SOLUTION – There is only one solution to this (at least how I see it), make companies accountable for their deceitful actions. Why are these companies not reprimanded? Why are some of these companies still in operation as we speak?
They did it once, dem nuh get nuh bumboclaat lick. Do you seriously think that they will not do this again?
Some persons might mention that it is the responsibility of the employees to consistently keep abreast of their NIS status with the state. Was that your thinking as well?
This is completely understandable, and I agree.
However, let me ask you a question – How often did you check your NIS status before the exposure of this news? That’s what I thought, you hypocrite!

The Pathetic Rediscover Jamaica Campaign
To conclude this article, I reviewed the Rediscover Jamaica Campaign which is a marketing campaign by the Jamaican government to encourage Jamaicans to enjoy the country’s tourism product. How nice of them! I genuinely said that from the bottom of my heart. It amazes me how Jamaicans haven’t explored Jamaica in its entirety, and for that, I applaud the Jamaican Government in executing this campaign.
Why did it take such desperate conditions to finally target the bumboclaat Jamaican people to their country’s tourism product? Why didn’t they execute this campaign when the tourism sector was at the peak of its success? Why now?
I can tell you exactly why now! To keep their heads above water!
I appreciate the objective of this campaign which is to increase the country’s economic activity (which has been extremely low over the past 3 months due to Covid-19). Notwithstanding this fact, what I do not bumboclaat appreciate is using the Jamaican people as a last resort – to act as a cushion towards the country’s economic deathbed.
“This is not a knee-jerk reaction because of COVID, because we started this staycation years ago…,” the tourism minister said. So, the campaign was in development ‘years ago’ but it took 2020 to bring it to its execution? Ok, no bumboclaat comment.

I bet their meetings were like this:
“No tourists coming in. What are we going to do?”
“Let’s create a campaign where we target locals. Also, to not make it obvious that they are secondary, let’s say that the campaign was in development before Covid-19.”
-Room filled with laughter-
We, the Jamaican people are that last cereal floating around in the bowl of milk; that last ugly pup that you did not want but still decide to take home because you really wanted to replace your dead dog. Get mi bumboclaat point?
The views and opinions in this article are expressed by me, the writer, and are not, by any means, associated with Live Well Jamaica. Have any factual information that could be used to argue against my views? Then please contact me at