Reggae Peace Ambassador D-Medz will lead Clarendonians in a walk for peace dubbed the Nuh Falla Bad Company Peace March on Monday, October 16, National Heroe’s Day in the Clarendon capital, May Pen.
The Nuh Falla Bad Company Peace March will commence at 2:30 pm on Main Street in May Pen before moving unto Sevens Road, leading to Farm. The Peace March will then move to Effortville before returning to Main Street.
Sponsors of the Nuh Falla Bad Company Peace March include Kenny’s Total Service Centre; Banton Gym; Rural Area Productions; Stop Light Wholesale and Manning’s Key Shop. D-Medz anticipates that even more sponsors will come on board in the coming days, based on feedback in the parish.
On the day, peace advocates participating in the march are being asked to wear blue, or a branded shirt representing the organisation which they represent.