Thursday, May 2, 2024
Our Stories

Our Stories

The inspirational stories of Jamaicans in business. Our Stories is intended to highlight and promote the positive in challenging and life-altering experiences.

This young man would have now been 21 or 22 years old. Nevertheless, I considered myself physically strong and capable at 6 feet. I was going to ambush him. I was resolute in ending him and go to prison. Lucky for him and also for me, I...

In this installation of Our Stories, Craig Chung shares how he navigates life's unpredictability. For many people, Jamaica is pictured as an island paradise- white sandy beaches, a beautiful and vivacious culture, rich and wholesome food, and...

So I was wrestling with the father God at that moment about my situation and the fact that I'm going to be heading back to Jamaica, how can I provide for my family? And so...

In this installment of Our Stories, author Paul Blake explains how his parents' relationship benefitted from their divorce….For many people, Jamaica is pictured as an island paradise – white sandy beaches, a beautiful and vivacious culture, rich and wholesome...

There are both negatives and positives attached to it. One positive is that it shows people that a mental illness does not limit you or what you can do, normal people experience..

In this installment of Our Stories, Dancehall artiste, Real Verb shares why he has lived in Jamaica’s 14 parishes.

In this installment of Our Stories, Statistics Manager, Mr. Roy McPherson shares his journey from struggle to success. For many people, Jamaica is pictured as an island paradise – white sandy beaches, a beautiful and vivacious culture, rich and...

In this installment of Our Stories, Ricardo A. Mills, tell us how serving time behind bars has made him a better person even after been deported back to his homeland Jamaica to start over. For many people, Jamaica is...

He was abandoned when he was thirteen years old and spent most of his time on the street begging and doing menial jobs for people. Things got worst when he sustained severe spine injuries during a bicycle accident rendering him disabled for life. Nonetheless, Reginald has always ...

In this installment of Our Stories, scholarship recipient Kevoyne explains why money is not a problem for him….For many people, Jamaica is pictured as an island paradise – white sandy beaches, a beautiful and vivacious culture, rich and wholesome...